893.00B/6–449: Telegram

The Consul General at Tientsin (Smyth) to the Secretary of State

385. Number Communist civil officials from Tientsin proceeded Shanghai to be ready on takeover to give benefit experience gained here. Tientsin has been guinea pig for Comimmists in foreign trade, business, industry and industrial labor, shipping and communications, banking, commercial taxation and many other matters. Communists came here straight from bushes with undeveloped policies and little experience except in rural areas. Their policies and practices here were developed slowly, by trial and error. This has been tough on Tientsin but should make things smoother in many ways in Shanghai. Speed with which Communists restoring shipping and communications Shanghai one example.

As matter interest, we understand Tientsin also guinea pig re consular radio. Communists apparently expected our consular radio to be [Page 1088] used to their disadvantage through transmission what they considered “bad reports”. However, reports in plain language over consular radio to Department (until radio closed few days after fall Tientsin), and released by Department to press and broadcasters, surprised and favorably impressed Communists, particularly ConGen report that conduct Communist occupation troops “exemplary”; this radio bulletin which was broadcast, commented on several times by Communist official mentioned ourtel 74, January 16.69 Our request continue operation to Foreign Affairs official (ourtel 104, January 21), referred to higher authorities, not acted on before brief deadline set by occupying military authorities expired. Understand our compliance with Communist regulations re radio (which we considered best course action in circumstances), plus advantages to them from favorable reports on conduct of Communist troops, important factor in later Communist decision to allow Peiping radio to operate, Fact that Communist subsequent takeover Peiping peaceful, not by hard fighting as at Tientsin, also conducive to more considered action.

Unfortunately, once our radio closed, Communists could not, without loss face, allow resumption.

  1. Not printed.