125.0093/5–2749: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul General at Peiping (Clubb)

330. Ur [Our] 278 May 1366 and 299 May 17.67 Dept desires leave greatest latitude possible consuls in Commie areas China exercise their [Page 1086] judgment, discretion, dealing with new and unforeseeable circumstances which arise. Dept concurs consular officers may properly hare contacts and negotiate with local authorities for performance their legitimate functions and believes it desirable insofar as permitted by local conditions that consular officers addressing written communications such authorities sign communications over their consular title. With respect to addressing such communications Dept believes use of (1) informal memoranda delivered in person to Alien Affairs Office or other appropriate auths (2) letters addressed such auths by name without title or (3) in cases where office addressed existed prior Commie takeover letters addressed to office without name of Commie official exercising duties of office offer adequate channels communication. For your info foregoing means communication used by consuls communicating with “Manchukuo” authorities. Dept notes no assurances exist that letters addressed Commie auths by name and title any more likely reach official so addressed and no indication this method address would be more productive of desired action than one of methods outlined above. Dept believes with Nanking (Embtel 1102 May 2468 rptd Peiping 179) important consideration is maintenance channel communications and has Suggested forms of address above as possible means communication which contain no suggestion of recognition. However, recognition is more matter of intent than form and Dept has no desire limit Cons to use forms suggested if in using other forms it made dear no recognition intended.

  1. Same as telegram No. 98 to Tientsin, p. 1082.
  2. Ante, p. 957.
  3. Ante, p. 749.