702.0093/4–1849: Telegram
The Consul General at Peiping (Clubb) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 18—6:38 a. m.]
646. ReContel 611, April 13[14]. English and Chinese versions of Consuls’ note to mayor, dispatched by express mail April 13, both returned French ConGen (first signator) by messenger today, without comment. Consul meeting tomorrow.
Note significance current peace talks might possibly incidentally bear for position consular offices, given particularly peace settlement of sorts. Note also that Communist side probably desires force de jure recognition of its regime prior to permitting regularization position Consuls, and would use its “nonrecognition” policy as lever for that purpose if possible. Either continuation civil war or Communist peace “in Peiping pattern” would presumably [be?] alike soon after [in] bringing new developments for consular offices this area.
Sent Department 646, passed Nanking 402, OffEmb Canton 61, Shanghai 433.