125.7146/3–849: Telegram

The Consul General at Peiping (Clubb) to the Secretary of State

368. ReContels 329, February 28 [March 1], and 347, March 4.40 Consulate General received request yesterday from British Consul in [Page 1068] view present inacceptability coded messages for transmittal commercial facilities, Contel 362, March 8,41 there be arranged if feasible transmit by American network of official British messages Tientsin, Peiping, prefaced by code word Special. Though this done in past under Nationalists, situation is now to be considered different, station now maintained only by temporary sufferance on basis my statement that traffic [limited?] to American official messages only; if granted British under present conditions, presumably should be under moral obligation grant same other Consuls and granting such facilities probably bring closer still date closure particularly since security all officials both ends would keep secret fact of transmittal.

View all circumstances, believe inadvisable grant British request unless Communist approval received. Since practically infeasible obtain such, and approach moreover immediately bring to fore question continued use station, would recommend request be refused this time on grounds we have indicated station for American official use only and we find it desirable adhere that assurance unless Communists willing extend it which thought unlikely.

Please instruct.

Repeated Nanking, Shanghai.

  1. Neither printed.
  2. Not printed.