125.7146/2–2849: Telegram

The Consul General at Peiping (Clubb) to the Secretary of State

322. Re Contel 282, February 23. At meeting Consuls February 25 decided since situation consular gates bettering, result sit[uation] same before save Communist soldiers now in place police, démarche by Consulates unnecessary. Generally agreed advisable due course express authorities assumption [garble] police not soldiers temporary emergency and that police if anyone would return. Agreement also on indirect approach to Mayor Yeh Chien-ying had elapsed, with takeover [Page 1067] former Foreign Office, new approach should be made via Foreign Nationals Affairs Office. All now submit severally but identical notes requesting this courtesy call. I have presented application. On request subordinate official, indicated [omitted?] official position on application, noting request made as ordinary foreign citizen. This accepted. Also stated this time tell chief other instructions discuss with responsible authority important matters, requested be advised procedure.
