119.2/2–1649: Telegram

The Consul General at Peiping (Clubb) to the Secretary of State

245. [To Nanking:] ReEmbtel 43, February 5.38 No opportunity yet for taking up effectively subject reftel. Foreign Nationals Affairs Office evidently has begun functioning but to date all contacts Communists have brought statement Consular officials Peiping unrecognized. Regarding communications, note that according information received from employee telegraph office by member Consulate General there now exists no telegraph communication between Peiping and any point liberated areas, that only telegraph connections are with Nationalist-controlled areas, that incidentally telegraph operators Peiping consistently propagandize operators Nationalist end. Lack telegraph communications is generally not only for Consular officials Tientsin but Chinese, and foreigners all North China except Peiping.

[Page 1063]

Foreign newsmen have received information indicating Communist censor now functions Peiping telegraph office but instead performing duties usual fashion simply destroys displeasing press dispatches. No indication given newsmen of cutting or failure send message.

Peiping chief operator now certain from technical indications that station nearby is monitoring Consular frequencies presumably with old-type receiver as he can hear frequency beat heterodyne.

Sent Nanking 198, repeated Department 245, Embassy Canton 6, Shanghai 206.

  1. Not found in Department of State files.