125.9376/2–449: Telegram
The Consul General at Peiping (Clubb) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 4—10:52 a. m.]
182. ReContel 162, February 1.22 Consulate messenger went Tientsin February 2, saw Smyth February 3, returned last night. Reported as follows:
Communist guards placed all residences Consulate personnel for 4 or 5 days after occupation during period when there was much looting, then withdrawn. None now stationed either residence or Consulate. Smyth’s opinion, guards stationed first instance purely protection. Americans and aliens have freedom movements. USIS and Consulate open as usual. USIS attendance fair.
Shortly after occupation Communists directed registration all radios. When Consulate contacted liaison officer of “foreign affairs section”, Communists said deliver radio within 72 hours. Radio sent police with inventory and official letter. Both returned with statement equipment not confiscated, merely held in custody, necessary however Consulate take Communist word for no receipt would be given. Consulate has experienced no other trouble. Home radios retained.
Communist regulations all cars must be registered and have new licenses before use. Consulate cars’ registered licenses unreceived.
[Page 1057]Main complaint Consuls is absence person of real authority with whom deal. British Consul tried call on mayor, waited hour, no success. Smyth [has] not called.
Smyth expressed desire have such help this office could give re four points: (1) Consuls [at] Tientsin unable contact person bearing real responsibility, desire see person of authority, (2) Informed by very junior liaison officer, their consular status unrecognized pending recognition Communist regime and desire accept their official status, (3) Inter-port travel, telegraphic and mail facilities desired for foreigners, (4) Foreign banks remain closed primarily awaiting contact responsible authority.
No great difficulty get travel pass, only long wait in line. Some [Same] bottleneck re tickets. Persons with silver required change at office gate at station. Travel trip took about 4½ hours. Third class only.
ECA messenger also made round trip. Consulate messenger observed no foreigners traveling.
Sent Department 182, Nanking 152, Shanghai 154.
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