125.633/12–249: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Representatives 90

Chi Commie auths Mukden have ordered all non-Chinese members Mukden ConGen staff depart Mukden within 48 hrs after 0800 Dec 5, deportation via Tientsin. Commie auths presumably providing rail facilities to Tientsin while Dept and ConGen Tientsin arranging onward sea transportation for return to US.

In passing above info to FonOff of Govt to which you accredited, pls express Dept’s appreciation for sympathetic response to Secty’s appeal. Dept believes concerted and expeditious action on part these Govts may well have been responsible for effecting early release Mukden personnel.

  1. Sent to the diplomatic representatives at Athens, Brussels, Cairo, Canberra, Copenhagen, The Hague, Manila, New Delhi, Oslo, Paris, Rome, Stockholm, and Vienna.