123 Ward, Angus I.: Telegram
The Consul General at Peiping (Clubb) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 2—8:36 a. m.]
1893. Stokes’ 94, October 28 follows:
Please repeat to Department as No. 12, Mukden telegram 89 to Peiping, October 24,29 inasmuch I today requested telegraph office return copy addressed Department at urgent rate. Urtel 38, October 2630 received yesterday evening, Mukden telegram 80 to Peiping, October 12,30a contained Consul General Ward account incident day previous: Confirmation copy mailed yesterday. Officer administering confinement this office today called and returning my letter to Ward (Mukden telegram 91, Oct. 2631) stated in translation “Inasmuch Ward has been taken away he is not allowed to receive visitors or communications. No further attempts to visit or communicate with Ward should be undertaken.” Officer then stated my letter yesterday (telegram 92 to Peiping yesterday32) re inability pay salaries tomorrow without Ward signature had been delivered to mayor.
Sent Dept 1893, repeated Shanghai 1135.