893.00/2–249: Telegram
The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kohler) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 2—11:21 a. m.]
260. Chinese Ambassador5 informed me last night he was encouraged by most recent developments China. His Government had informed him new conditions would be rejected and Mao’s eight points were accepted only as basis for negotiation and it was hoped Government could be established in south to continue resistance.
Ambassador said events had now made clear to all impossibility agreement with CCP and that if only disintegration Government and army could be stopped prospects not hopeless.
Ambassador said he realized US could not give positive support Chiang and that such was not needed. However, situation would be greatly helped if US would issue statement indicating interest in continued resistance to Communist aggression by appropriate patriotic Chinese elements. Such statement encouraging new leaders to organize government and continue resistance would have important effect on Chinese morale and contribute substantially to achievement basis [for] resistance.
I told Ambassador I would pass his views on [to] my Government.
Sent Department 260, repeated Nanking 22.
- Foo Ping-sheung.↩