125.6336/2–2449: Telegram

The Consul General at Peiping (Clubb) to the Secretary of State

285. This office would favor try approach Communists Peiping regarding Mukden case although would note that as Department will appreciate from recent communications, situation regarding local contacts very difficult. Believe Hong Kong channel should also be used. Would try approach matter directly and indirectly by letter and orally; feel nil could be lost by attempted démarche.

Would recommend that now be omitted from communication any threat withdraw Consulate from Mukden which “possibly what Communists (and especially Soviets) want” but would instead stress established rights courtesies which receive general recognition international law and practice spite political change; and fact that “recognition” of [or] “nonrecognition” has nil do with case; Consulate being primarily concerned protect their citizens and perform certain other well-recognized functions which without reference overall political situation.

ReEmbtel 437, February 21 to Department,19 would report there has been growing restlessness likewise among foreign correspondents Peiping in face increasing rumors Mukden situation. Peiping correspondents, however, feel under restraints toward caution not now experienced National China.

Sent Department; repeated Nanking.

  1. Not printed.