125.3513/10–449: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul at Dairen (Paddock)79

166. If evac ship plans reported to you in recent tels materialize and if Chaos unable leave aboard such ship, Dept reluctantly of opinion your [and] Gleysteen’s departure shld not be delayed if exit permits Chaos not forthcoming. Publicity only lever which might be effective this situation, but Dept of opinion such pressure wld not result in favorable action re either Chao, wld probably have undesirable effect further jeopardizing your departure and possibly make more difficult position Chaos if they have to remain Dairen. Pressure through SCAP believed impossible.

[Page 927]

When time comes to leave you shld therefore make payments Shou-yu and family Yi-hsien accordance instructions separate tels.

As for official documents, you already authorized destroy all classified material. This shld leave only accts which may be examined provided (1) exam cannot be avoided and your departure wld otherwise be impossible (2) you destroy or render innocuous all compromising material.

  1. Repeated to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union as telegram No. 729.