125.351/9–2349: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

2392. Following is text note from Foreign Office dated September 22 delivered by messenger to Embassy this morning (reDeptel 635, September 9, 9 p. m., repeated Dairen 137 and Embtel 2274, September 10, 8 p. m., repeated Dairen 36).

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“In connection with your note of September 10 of this year, containing the request of the Government of the USA to the Government of the USSR to give instructions to its officials in the city of Dairen to facilitate the closing of the American Consulate in that city and the departure of the employees of the Consulate, I inform that corresponding instructions have been given to the Soviet Military Command.

“As for your assertion, in the note of September 19 of this year, that the Soviet authorities were apparently responsible for the arrest by the local police of an employee of the American Consulate in the city of Dairen, the Chinese citizen Chao Yi-hsien, I am obliged to reject it, inasmuch as questions concerning Chinese citizens enter into the competence of the Chinese authorities.

“Accept (etc.), (Signed) A. Gromyko.”

Embassy will endeavor to learn from Saksin today competent Soviet military organ or official Dairen authorized to handle details with Paddock, and will press for release Chao. Meanwhile, suggest Paddock endeavor directly contact Soviet Commander.

ReDeptel 675, September 21, 7 p. m., repeated Dairen 148. Embassy is approaching Soviet bank today to request TT of funds to Dairen and will report results. Please advise amount local funds desired.

Sent Department 2392. Department pass Dairen 39.
