125.351/9–2149: Telegram

The Consul at Dairen (Paddock) to the Secretary of State

296. First Jap repatriation ship already left Dairen. Other one, September 28.

“Several” British and other freighters, according Tokyo, due Dairen this month to take soybeans to Japan under transaction especially approved by SCAP.

Unless plans definitely maturing for even sooner transport, it recommended Department and Embassy press for our evacuees either means.

No answer to note presented by Ambassador Kirk Sept. 10 altho arrest of Chao Sept. 15 might be regarded as one form of answer. Surveillance past week of Consulate officer residence auto and officers on foot is more intensive and ostentatious than ever before. Soviets perhaps stalling in order turn over problem to China later. For this see Contels 276 and 291, repeated Moscow 158. Danger of further arrests of Chinese staff exists.

Financial crisis of Consulate worsening. No items yet sold. Consulate cannot even pay money due staff upon closing.

It is suggested that unless Department can obtain assurances from Soviets that Consulate evacuation can be made at latest on second Jap repatriation ship (due here 2 days after Dairen City conference closes), consideration be given to retaliatory measures re this area—such as obstructing further soybean transactions with Japan and if possible discourage British, French, etc., ships coming here under [Page 917] Soviet charter. See Contel 172, August 1274 re possibly analogous position of Soviet Mission at Tokyo.

Regardless route which Soviets may finally permit, office will not be closed until specifically informed by Department that no further efforts being made obtain release of Chao and therefore Consulate should not delay departure his behalf.

Also, unless local or Moscow Soviets promise no examination of official mail or of personal luggage of Americans and no restriction as to departure of radio operator Chao with us, we will refuse leave until Department instructs me acquiesce to such examinations and the abandonment of radio operator Chao.

Sent Department 296 (Department pass Moscow 159).

  1. Not found in Department of State files.