123 Gleysteen, Culver: Telegram
The Consul at Dairen (Paddock) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 27—11:47 p. m.]
120. Chief of Civil Administration Office of Kommandatura, Major General Levushkin, granted me interview today. He informed me on behalf Commanding General Soviet Dairen Garrison (believed to be Colonel Usachuk) that Gleysteen detained because (1) he had no identification; (2) seashores restricted area after dark. He refused commit himself regarding date seashore regulation put in effect other than “early April”. No announcement of such restricted area in press.
I reviewed actual facts regarding main points but no further comment by him. These facts already sent Department (Contel 11725).
[Page 871]He suggested we apply to Chinese Police Chief of Kwantung administration for identification cards; I said he [we] would do so.
This dismissal of Gleysteen case by Soviets and irresponsibility regarding facts would seem justify action contemplated by Department in its telegram 54, April 22.
Sent Department; repeated Nanking 85, OffEmb Canton 29, Shanghai 116, Moscow 68.