Editorial Note

On January 19, the Government of the Republic of Korea applied for membership in the United Nations. At its 423rd meeting, on April 8, the United Nations Security Council voted 9 (including the United States) to 2 in favor of a resolution recommending to the General Assembly the admission of the Republic of Korea, but the resolution failed of adoption because of the negative vote of the Soviet Union, one of the permanent members of the Security Council. (See U.N document S/PV. 423.)

On February 9, the “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” applied to the Secretary-General for admission to the United Nations. At its 410th meeting, on February 16, the Security Council rejected, by [Page 944] a vote of 2 in favor to 8 (including the United States) opposed with 1 abstention, a Soviet proposal to refer the application to the Security Council’s Committee on the Admission of New Members. (See U.N. document S/PV. 410.)