501.BB Palestine(E)/9–1949: Telegram
The Minister in Lebanon (Pinkerton) to the Secretary of State
Beirut, September 19, 1949—5 p. m.
481. Simes 1. For McGhee from Clapp.
- 1.
- Although fully cognizant of problems we face, I am not discouraged by initial reception we have encountered (Legtel 480 19th).1
- 2.
- I conferred at length Saturday, 17th, with Keeley. On basis his recommendation, I will not make immediate approach to Syria, but plan instead to go to Egypt first, perhaps end this week. Visit will be largely pro forma. Syria visit tentatively scheduled for next week.
- 3.
- I am convinced that early discussions Arab states should be along lines work projects instead relief, with less talk of resettlement during first stages. In early talks at Tel Aviv, I intend to begin exploratory talks on compensation as well as repatriation.
- 4.
- [Here follows one sentence on the arrival of three members of Mr. Clapp’s staff.]