501.BB Palestine/9–1749: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France
3489. USDel, PCC, reports that on Sept 12 PCC delivered notes containing observations and suggestions re Arab and Israeli replies to PCC questionnaire handed to Arab and Israeli dels on Aug 15. PCC informed dels territorial proposals exceeded limits what might be considered adjustments to May 12 protocol and annexed map. PCC requested dels and their govts to reexamine question and hoped that when PCC reconvened it wld find new proposals which cld be practical working basis.
USDel, PCC, reports that members PCC informed dels they requesting their govts make representations to Israel and Arab states concerned in order emphasize importance attached to submission by these states of more flexible and reasonable proposals on territory when PCC reconvenes about mid-Oct. Dept believes such approaches wld be desirable and that French, Turks and US shld coordinate efforts. However, as emphasis has been shifted for time being to ESM and as ESM shld be permitted proceed unencumbered by injection political questions, Dept feels that it wld be preferable to postpone suggested approaches for moment. Pls discuss foregoing with FonOff, and indicate Dept will consult further with Turk and French govts re approaches at later date.1
- This telegram
was repeated to Ankara for similar action. Ambassador Bruce, on
September 19, advised that the French Foreign Office agreed with
the content of telegram 3489 and that it would “refrain from
approaches and meanwhile concentrate on efforts to promote
better understanding and better acceptance of ESM.” (telegram 3867 from Paris,
501.BB Palestine(E)/9–1949)
The Turkish Foreign Office, on September 16, instructed its Missions to make the representations on territorial proposals requested by the Palestine Conciliation Commission (telegram 394, September 21, 5 p. m., from Ankara). Ankara, on September 22, advised that the Foreign Office had countermanded these instructions (telegram 396). The two telegrams from Ankara are filed under 501.BB Palestine/9–2149 and /9–2249, respectively.