501.BB Palestine/9–549: Telegram

Mr. Stuart W. Rockwell to the Secretary of State


Palun 303. PCC September 5 sent letter to all delegates informing them of forthcoming arrival survey group Lausanne, stating the PCC would shortly send delegates letter containing observations and suggestions re replies to PCC questionnaire, and conveying to delegates PCC plans to adjourn Lausanne between 15 and 20 September to reconvene New York second half October. Letter explained that in [Page 1362] deciding upon adjournment PCC desired give interested governments time study above PCC observations and suggestions and anyway bad proceed New York view presence on GA agenda of items concerning PCC. Delegates also informed commissioners at their entire disposition during recess and that Azcarate proceeding Jerusalem maintain contact with parties.

Letter also transmitted for signature parties draft declaration re refugees suggested and prepared by USDel and based upon those principles on which replies to PCC questionnaire showed parties were in general agreement. USDel proposed such declaration in order obtain more precise evidence of political agreement re refugees than devious replies to PCC questionnaire and in order that PCC might be able make public concise indication of progress during second session PCC. Although in replies to questionnaire parties said they willing sign declaration along these lines, by no means certain they will do so.

PCC observations and suggestions mentioned above will be very general in character and by no means in form of final PCC position on refugees and territory.1

  1. Mr. Rockwell, on September 6, advised that “neither side wished sign draft declaration subject Palun 303. View public opinion at home Arabs unwilling sign declaration which mentions concessions they have made re refugees without reference to their territorial position. Israelis object to signing declaration which would imply they agreed Egypt and Lebanon not in position accept large numbers refugees. PCC may consider press release as compromise.” (Palun 305, 501.BB Palestine/9–649)