501.BB Palestine/8–849: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Israel 1


526. Dept is at loss to understand Israeli reaction to substance Deptel 476 July 26. Dept did not rule out direct talks between high Israeli and Arab officials if such talks shld appear advisable to supplement discussion at Lausanne or otherwise to accelerate developments (ref Embtel 602, Aug 82).

Dept also regrets to note Israeli “take it or leave it” attitude re refugees. We are firmly convinced that primary responsibility for refugees rests with Israelis and Arabs and that both parties must work together constructively to solve problem. Dept believes consideration shld also be given by Israelis to public opinion of Arabs with whom Israel must live in NE and to world public opinion with which Israel must reckon in GA as well as local Israeli opinion.

While foregoing is for your confidential info, you are authorized to make use of substance this tel in such further conversations as you may have on this subject with Israeli officials.

  1. This telegram was repeated to London, Arab capitals, Bern (for Mr. Porter), and New York.
  2. Not printed; but see footnote 1, p. 1257.