501.BB Palestine/8–349: Telegram
Mr. Paul A. Porter to the Secretary of State
Lausanne, August
3, 1949—4 p. m.
Palun 261. PCC (US chairman) met with Israeli Delegation August 3. Informed Israelis re Arab acceptance Israeli conditions for discussion refugee problem and requested delegation set forth its proposal.
- 1.
- Shiloah asked if Arabs could now be considered to have committed themselves to opening discussions on all issues outstanding between parties. If so, Israeli Delegation would like PCC give publicity. Chairman stated PCC did not believe that in accepting Israeli conditions Arabs had formally obligated themselves to discussion all issues, but said Arabs in informal discussions with PCC had indicated willingness do so. Shiloah could not agree that Arabs could withdraw from talks whenever did not like turn they were taking and insisted discussion on refugees must be regarded as commencement discussions on all points. Chairman stated PCC in private meeting would consider what kind of publicity might be given to present developments and exactly what form it might take. Was agreed Israeli Delegation would not discuss August 3 meeting with press representatives.
- 2.
- Shiloah after stating usual disclaimer of Israel irresponsibility for refugees and stressing security consideration, said Israel now willing see increase of Arabs in Israel above number there at end hostilities by what Israel considered large number. Could mention approximate number Israel had in mind if PCC so desired, but desired point out could be no lasting solution unless Arab states willing share responsibility.
- 3.
- Shiloah then proposed that UN immediately set up body to study economic possibilities in Arab states and propose specific projects for resettlement refugees there. Subject formulation overall plan and if international assistance furnished, Israel would make contribution mentioned paragraph two.
- 4.
- Responding to question from chairman, Shiloah said approximate figure Israeli Government had in mind was 100,000. Declared present Arab population in Israel between 165,000 and 170,000 and said Israeli Government envisaged eventual total Arab population of around 250,000. This figure based on Israel’s retaining all present territory. Wished make clear would retain full authority direct returning refugees to specific localities and to specific economic activities.
- 5.
- Referring to international assistance mentioned by Shiloah, Boisanger asked whether Israel envisaged such assistance being directed at economic improvements in Israel which would enable latter [Page 1282] absorb refugees or to specific repatriation projects. Shiloah said would reply later.
- 6.
- Chairman asked what Israeli attitude would be if proposed UN Investigating Commission should study repatriation possibilities Israel and find latter could absorb more refugees than figure mentioned. Shiloah replied could not give definite reply at that time but desires once more stress security factor of which Israel better judge than anyone else. As result prodding by chairman Shiloah stated would give great weight to findings of such UN group.
- 7.
- Chairman then asked whether PCC could take it that approximate figure mentioned was not absolute or impossible of change. Shiloah said would agree to such interpretation but desired make statement that 100,000 represented heavy tax on Israel. Israeli Delegation had no intention of bargaining and had presented figure as honest estimate Israeli capacity absorb refugees. Refused agree that proposal represented Israeli acceptance degree responsibility for solution refugee problem. Preferred proposal be considered as indicating Israeli recognition of problem.1
- The substance of Palun 261 was conveyed by a circular telegram of August 10, 4 a. m., to London, Paris, Arab capitals, Ankara, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem (501.BB Palestine/8–1049).↩