501.BB Palestine/6–2249: Telegram

The Secretary of State to United States Mission at the United Nations


331. Dept suggests reply to Eban ltr (urtel 759 Jun 221) along the fol lines:

“The US Govt has also been concerned by the lack of progress of the Special Comite. Since this Comite is strictly bilateral, composed of representatives of Israel and Hashemite Jordan Kingdom, the US has not participated in the negots directly or indirectly. For this reason my Govt does not have complete info as to the proceedings and has not been in a position where it cld appropriately undertake to advise the parties.

[Page 1168]

My Govt has nevertheless become convinced that the Special Comite wld not be productive of results and that a new approach to the problem is desirable. It is understood that a similar view was expressed by the Israeli representative on the MAC in Jlem on Jun 13, 1949 (FYI Jerusalem Tel 419, Jun 142).

Accordingly my Govt, considering this to be its best contribution to a solution, has ventured to suggest to the Govts of Israel and the Hashemite Jordan Kingdom that the problems under consideration by the Special Comite be transferred to the MAC which wld for this purpose meet under the chairmanship of Gen Riley. It was also suggested that the terms of reference shld include questions requiring agreement between the parties relating to the demarcation of Jewish and Arab zones, the use of roads and other questions of access to places in the Jlem area and the functioning of public utilities. It was also suggested that agreed solutions of these problems shld be without prejudice to the final decisions concerning the international status of Jlem which will be decided later in collaboration with the UN, but that these solutions shld be incorporated in such final decisions to the extent that they are comformable.

My Govt is now informed that this proposal has been accepted in principle by the Govt of the Hashemite Jordan Kingdom3 and that it is receiving the consideration of the Govt of Israel.

Accordingly, responding to your inquiry, I feel that my Govt has made the most appropriate intervention within its power in the circumstances. My Govt earnestly hopes that its suggestion will be accepted by both parties and that the resulting negots will lead to a satisfactory solution of these important questions.”

  1. Not printed; it gave the text of a “letter addressed to Austin by Eban, dated June 21, received today, requesting UN [US] good offices to urge Jordan to implement provisions of Article 8 of Israeli-Jordan armistice agreement, and containing assurances that the armistice agreements between Israel and Jordan ‘are working smoothly and show all signs of continuing to do so’.” (501.BB Palestine/6–2249)
  2. Not printed; it advised that “At yesterday’s MAC meeting Israel delegate admitted creation special committee in armistice agreement mistake. Despite great hopes originally held for direct negotiations talks stalemated. Expressed desire refer all pending problems to MAC.” (501.BB Palestine/6–1449)
  3. The Jordanian Government on June 22 issued a press release announcing acceptance of the United States proposal on handing over the question of Jerusalem to the Mixed Armistice Commission, (telegram 260, June 23) from Amman, 501.BB Palestine/6–2349)

    New York, on June 24, advised that General Riley had informed Mr. Bunche that the special committee, on June 21, had voted to transfer its functions to the Mixed Armistice Commission under the former’s chairmanship (telegram 769, 501.BB Palestine/6–2249).