501.BB Palestine/6–2249: Telegram

The Ambassador in Israel (McDonald) to the Secretary of State


478. At my request Sharett received Ford and me Foreign Office June 21 for hour and quarter.

With marked show of resentment at what he termed “Rusk’s peremptory fifteen minute summons” to Israel Chargé June 141 Sharett outlined in great detail successive steps from May 25 to June 9 to secure personal conference with Zaim or Arslan and of Syrian “endless evasions and delays”. Sharett exclaimed that to be accused of imminent aggression in midst such Israeli “patient conciliatory procedure” was “shockingly unjust” and made Zaim’s “intransigence a model for other Arab governments.”

As to present Syrian-Israeli relations, Foreign Minister hopes MAC negotiations will succeed, but warned that Zaim could not expect indefinitely avoid withdrawal from Israel territory. “US should understand that Israel will exhaust every peaceful means through MAC, UN direct negotiations, etc., to secure mutual agreement but if Zaim persists in refusal accept Bunche proposal Israel does not intend remain quiescent.”

Comment: Foreign Minister evidently under heavy strain result of bitter criticism press and Knesset that government’s “pro-American policy” has resulted “national humiliation”. I believe his words meant to emphasize with us that justice and expediency “require pressure on [Page 1166] Zaim to evacuate Israel territory” comparable to that exerted on Israel evacuate Lebanese territory. End comment.

Related subject: Regarding Department’s aide-mémoire, Deptel 375, June 17, Sharett took strong exception to opening sentence to effect that actual situation Jerusalem threat to peace. As to substance Department proposal Israel “quite prepared to consider this important suggestion.”

Foreign Minister took exception also to “undue importance” given in Acting Secretary’s conference with Eban, et al, June 18[17] to report that Dayan had arrived Government House “in armored car”. This was not fact: Dayan “never uses armored car”. By mistake an armored car did appear at Government House but Dayan “immediately ordered it away.”

New subject: Regarding reunion Arab refugees families, Sharett explained this principle being maintained and procedure “being worked out”. Decisions will be in individual cases with “security considerations paramount.”

Comment: I fear this foreshadows relatively few reunions near future. End comment.

New subject: Regarding Gaza proposal, Foreign Minister said Prime Minister “disclaims conception at Tiberias” but Israel “still willing accept strip including refugees.”

Conclusion: As we were leaving, I said: “I trust nothing will happen to give grounds for fear about Israel’s pacific purposes toward Syria”. Foreign Minister replied: “If all peaceful means fail, we can’t preclude possibility of ultimate use of force.”

Comment: I believe this remark to be move in Israel’s efforts to secure that US influence Zaim to accept Bunche formula. Certainly non-armistice with Syria weakens all peace efforts with other Arab states. Support therefore Bunche proposal is “key log” in present jam.

  1. For an account of the conversation between Mr. Rusk and the Israeli Charge, see telegram 367, June 14, to Tel Aviv, p. 1137.