501.BB Palestine/6–1649: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Jerusalem1


275. Dept endorses your reply Day an conversation reported Contel 426 Jun 16. We consider SC Res May 29 and July 15 in force. Some changes brought about by armistice agreements which were negotiated by parties pursuant subsequent SC Res but these do not invalidate those provisions earlier resolutions left untouched. Bunche regards these resolutions as in force and plans proposed new res superseding them when Syrian armistice concluded. He wld retain only simple cease-fire and transfer mediator function this respect to PCC. Dept’s position on this proposal not yet formulated.

Dept not certain whether UN position Govt House area can be properly described as legal right or as privilege. Issue lies primarily [Page 1163] between UN and states involved but we wld support UN contention right of free access. Neutral zone has been created by agreement parties and UN access recognized by them and confirmed by usage.

Dept wld consider it appropriate, subject your concurrence, inquire Dayan reasons for raising technical questions concerning UN rights this zone. As he says situation has progressed one step from truce to armistice. Assume all concerned hope hostilities phase concluded and moving toward final peace. Challenging existing neutral zones appears retrogressive step. UN has important work in this process. It has made financial investment in Govt House and our understanding will continue use of it so long as it has mission to perform in Jlem. If parties really desire peaceful settlement and coop with UN logical course wld be preserve existing neutral area and lend full facilities to UN. When opposite attitude is taken we can only speculate as to motives and naturally take into account strategic value of area.

  1. This telegram was repeated to Tel Aviv and Amman and to Bern for the American Delegation at Lausanne.