867N.01/6–1849: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Legation in Jordan 1


84. Ur niact 253, June 18.2 At time sending Deptel 823 Dept was under impression parties had reached satisfactory interim agreement Govt House. Dept also acted under impression urgency Jerusalem negotiations be brought under effective UN chairmanship.

[Page 1158]

Dept does not know at this time whether proposal has already been presented Tel Aviv. We therefore consider you shld proceed present proposal unless possible arrange directly with Tel Aviv more satisfactory timing.

Dept does not regard its proposal as effecting any great change in situation. Principal objective is place Riley in charge negotiations re territorial and other related matters Jerusalem area with object relieving tension. Agreement in principle both parties would permit Riley in consultation parties arrange priorities. If TJ insists prior settlement Govt House zone, this would also fall under Riley’s jurisdiction and he could proceed accordingly. We feel simple fact agreement of parties to international chairmanship of negotiations on comprehensive scale may itself tend relax tension and cause parties direct their thinking toward peaceful settlement rather than seeking gain advantage by unilateral acts.

In approving presentation proposals Bunche said that since one method had failed we shld try another. Did not seem feel this marked notable change in procedures already under way.

Tel Aviv please note that in last para quoted material Deptel 3754TJ” shld read “Israel”.

  1. This telegram was repeated to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
  2. Not printed; its first paragraph read: “Deptel 82, June 17 received this afternoon must have crossed mytel 250, June 15 [17]; As pointed out in my reftel am strongly of opinion that Government House question must be resolved before any action can be taken on Department’s proposal. Unless that matter can be settled, there would seem little chance that Transjordan Government would be prepared to agree, even in principle, to this proposal. I believe Jerusalem would concur in this opinion and also feel Riley would agree. Therefore recommend Department authorize me and Tel Aviv delay presentation of proposal until Government House dispute is satisfactorily settled.” (867N.01/6–1849) No. 250 is not printed.
  3. Dated June 17, not printed, but see footnote 1 to telegram 375, p. 1154.
  4. Dated June 17, p. 1154.