501.BB Palestine/6–1349: Telegram
Mr. Raymond A. Hare to the Secretary of State
Palun 201. Regarding internationalization of Jerusalem. Department may wish discuss with Ethridge working paper and give USDel further instructions. In particular USDel desires Department’s views on legal basis UN administration Jerusalem. Talks with Israeli representatives have elicited evidence Israel prepared oppose any provisions in derogation Israel “sovereignty” over Jewish zone of city. Specifically their greatest objection to provisions for UN administrators authority over questions of demilitarization and human rights as infringing rights of Israeli citizens by differentiating between one Israeli citizen and another on basis locus of residence. In addition they [Page 1131] oppose idea of administrator or municipal councils having any jurisdiction over common services except on basis ad hoc consultation with Israeli officials for advice only.
USDel believes that these and similar questions will be constant source trouble in future unless question of sovereignty is settled definitively in statute. We favor provision that sovereignty rests with people of Jerusalem but that UN is repository or custodian thereof and that under statute the exercise of certain attributes of sovereignty will be delegated to authorities of state adjoining the respective zones. Such provision if adoped would be consistent with continuing UN responsibility for Jerusalem and make more difficult future actions inimical to UN authority under color of right. At same time no practical difference need result in day-to-day exercise of municipal authority in respective zones by authorities of adjoining states. Difficulties in overcoming Israeli opposition to such a concept which interposes obstacle to possible plans for future expansion are apparent. Transjordan may also oppose.