501.BB Palestine/6–849: Telegram
The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Holmes) to the Secretary of State
2205. 1. Substance Paris’ 367, June 6 delivered June 7 to Michael Wright (see Telac 50 and Telac 52).1
2. Wright said UK will make no move for time being re extensions British treaty but that it would have to watch situation from day to day. Foreign Office most anxious learn (a) Israeli reply US démarche mentioned by Secretary (paragraph two Paris’ 2202, June 2 [May 31] to Department), and (a) possible steps Lausanne by Israelis (paragraph one Palun 182, June 2).
3. Re steps by Transjordan towards incorporation. Wright said he thought British Ambassador Kirkbride Amman would be able steady situation since he has been authorized tell Abdullah that UK will supply internal security arms (paragraph one Amman’s 234. June 6 to Department2). Arms supply will begin next week along lines paragraph three, Embassy’s 2177, June 3.3 Bevin excised from list some additional “doubtful items” in order conform strictly Bunche concept.
4. Re Ethridge observation Palun 182 that UK probably considers Negev gone anyhow, Wright said Foreign Office very much in dark re developments Lausanne and very conscious deep Transjordan discouragement re Israel. Nevertheless Foreign Office continues to hope that pressure upon Israel to make territorial concessions Negev would be successful because in British eyes importance land communication between Egypt and Transjordan is in no way lessened.
5. Wright asked time formulate thoughts re visit Washington which in any case will be impractical before return Sir William Strang4 from Middle East June 18.
[Page 1100]Sent Department 2205, repeated Paris 405 (for Secretary), Bern 55 (for Ethridge and Hare).
- These telegrams to Paris are dated June 3. The former is printed on p. 1090; the latter, not printed, repeated the text of Palun 182, June 2, from Lausanne. No. 182 contained Mr. Ethridge’s view that unilateral incorporation of Arab Palestine by Jordan “would probably provoke Israelis to take same action as to all territories they occupy and freeze situation as it is. That would effectively put off any concession in Negeb or elsewhere. British probably feel Negeb is gone anyhow and they are undertaking to protect Transjordan in negotiations on Arab Palestine. But, from American point of view, we are still pressing for concession in Negeb. Until we get a yes or no on that seems to US Delegation that we should not encourage any action that would prejudice American policy.” (501.BB Palestine/6–249)↩
- Not printed; in paragraph one, Mr. Stabler reported information conveyed to him on June 4 by British Ambassador Kirkbride that as a “result Anglo-American talks British Government has decided to supply ‘internal security arms’ to Jordan, Iraq and Egypt.” (890i.24/6–649)↩
- Not printed; this paragraph stated that “Small arms and small arms ammunition only would be involved at this stage.” (867N.113/6–349)↩
- Permanent Under Secretary in the British Foreign Office.↩