867N.01/5–2349: Telegram
The Consul at Jerusalem (Burdett) to the Secretary of State
372. Mt. Scopus discussed with Abdullah Tel during call to introduce Barco 21st. Confirmed Dayan statements negotiations in special committee deadlocked but did not appear pessimistic re possible consequences. Indicated Transjordan desired leave question for settlement in peace treaty when could use free access as bargaining weapon in effort regain Arab quarters.
Stated Israeli wished agreement in special committee limited to free movement on roads but this of no real value to Arabs. Could not really use main Bethlehem road since not possible permit Arabs pass down street past their houses occupied by Jews without right enter. Also free access to Mt. Scopus equivalent to return of large Jewish quarters since would allow reestablishment thriving community. Re overall agreement involving exchange land in Mt. Scopus area for Arab quarters said impossible for Arabs give Israel corridor to Mt. Scopus since would cut Arab sections off from north. Admitted might be able cede small area land including police training depot but not connecting Mt. Scopus with Jewish sections except by road under Arab control. Reiterated Arabs given all could in Jerusalem.
Learned Arab Legion headquarters in Jerusalem has protested to UN against new fortifications Israeli reportedly effecting Mt. Scopus.
Comment—almost insurmountable difficulties agreement re Scopus again brought out by two talks. Only possible if work on premise Jerusalem area demilitarized and eliminated from any future conflict thus making military positions of no importance. Land bridge to Scopus from Jewish Jerusalem would place Arab sections at mercy of Israel and at same time would cut off possibility of expansion Arab [Page 1043] quarters towards Ramallah, most logical direction. Would go a long way towards making Jerusalem entirely Jewish controlled city. Yet Israel certainly not willing give up Mt. Scopus and possesses necessary force at moment establish corridor. Also without strong outside pressure which appears most unlikely difficult believe Israel will relinquish any Arab quarters except for territorial gains north Jerusalem.
Sent Department 372, repeated Geneva 13 for USDel PCC; pouched Arab capitals.