501.BB Palestine/5–249: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Legation in Syria


212. Urtel 256 Apr 281 and 261 May 2. Dept notes with interest marked progress you report re Zaim’s attitude resettlement Arab refugees. This is first concrete evidence Syrian willingness take large number refugees and is particular importance since Syria only Arab country except already willing Transjordan which can assimilate such number within reasonable time. If this opportunity can be exploited back of refugee problem can be broken. You shld take early opportunity discuss matter further with Zaim giving appropriate emphasis his expression of willingness accept quarter million refugees, which Dept regards as humane and statesmanlike contribution to solution this problem. Express hope Zaim will use his influence with other Arab states adopt similarly constructive attitude towards problem, within limits their absorptive capacity, in order assist PCC in permanent liquidation problem. Emphasize steps USG is taking to persuade Israel make appropriate concessions re repatriation (Depcirtel Apr 29), which it is understood will help Arab Govts in accepting responsibilities for resettlement. Development program along lines discussed during McGhee’s visit in Damascus well under way and Dept hopes advise you shortly details as finally approved. Meantime you shld avoid any direct offer US assistance while at same time indicating that door is open to appropriate approach through PCC, which has expressed willingness recommend favorable action re assistance requested. You shld in particular avoid any inference that USG is encouraging development projects as bribe to Arab states to accept refugees. Emphasis shld be placed on Israeli and Arab responsibility cooperate with PCC in obtaining agreed settlement refugee question in their own self interest, viz., creation condition for lasting peace in NE, elimination security threat of possible refugee dissidence or communist [Page 1008] exploitation and contribution refugee manpower to development latent resources of recipient countries.2

  1. Not printed, but see footnote 3, p. 962.
  2. This telegram was repeated to Bern for Mr. Ethridge and to London. The same day, the Department sent telegram 196 to Baghdad in reply to the latter’s 263 of May 10, p. 994. It noted that Baghdad’s “discussions with Prim Min indicate for first time possible future change in Iraqi policy which wld permit immigration Pal refugees. Even if necessary wait 5 to 6 years as indicated in ref tel Iraq may prove of vital importance in ultimate solution refugee problem through resettlement of refugees not repatriated in Israel or assimilable in Transjordan, Syria, or Lebanon. Consequently, you shld take early opportunity discuss matter again with Prim Min giving emphasis to his statement that economic development of Iraq shld create conditions which would make possible considerable refugee immigration in future,” along much the same lines as telegram 212 (867N.01/5–1049).