501.BB Palestine/5–1249: Telegram
Mr. Mark F. Ethridge to the Secretary of State
Palun 148. During past four days informal talks have taken place between PCC, Israel, Arab delegations re signature protocol which would permit Israeli Arab talks through PCC to commence. Arab delegation desired that: (1) first objective conversations be solution refugee question; (2) attached map showing [19]47 partition lines be used as base for territorial talks. Israeli delegation was willing adopt device protocol with map showing partition lines. PCC in agreement but did not wish restrict talks to refugee question only. Arab delegation after delay several days during which Syrian delegation apparently took obstructive line finally agreed PCC formulation.
On May 12 PCC Israeli Arab delegations separately signed protocol with map attached.
Protocol is as follows:
“The UN PCC anxious achieve quickly possible objectives GA resolution 11, December 1948 re refugees, respect for their rights and preservation of their property, as well as territorial and other questions, has proposed to Israeli delegation and Arab States delegation that working document attached hereto be taken as basis for talks with Commission.
The interested delegations have accepted proposal with understanding that exchanges of views which be carried on by Commission with two parties will bear upon territorial adjustments necessary to above indicated objectives.”
Map consists of Palestine outline on which [19]47 partition lines for Jewish State, Arab State international area of Jerusalem are indicated. Map is not labelled “plan of partition”.
[Page 999]Israeli delegation signed with reservations that:
- (1)
- Israeli delegation could not be party to any exchange of views with Syrian delegation until armistice agreement was concluded;
- (2)
- No communication re protocol was made to press and;
- (3)
- Signing in no way prejudiced right of Israeli delegation to express itself freely on matters at issue on which it fully reserved its position.
PCC has no objection to reservations but pointed out:
- (1)
- Protocol would be applicable to direct Israeli-Syrian talks when governments themselves wished commence;
- (2)
- UN official press reports will probably appear in future as past re conference PCC matters (Re Palun 147).1 PCC and its press officer would not in such circumstances be barred from replying or commenting and;
- (3)
- Both Israeli and Arab Delegations had right to free expression their position at all times.
Arab delegations met reservation of Israeli delegation re Syria by reaffirming their right to discuss all matters re Palestine with PCC. Israeli Arab talks through PCC under protocol may thus continue.
PCC also decided to establish subcommittee for general matters including particularly territorial questions. States members of PCC will be represented by De la Tour Dupin for France, Yenisey for Turkey, Wilkins for US. Israeli Arab views re territorial questions under protocol will be sought by commission.
- Identified also as telegram 412, May 10, 11 a. m., from Geneva, not printed.↩