867N.01/5–1049: Telegram
The Ambassador in Iraq (Crocker) to the Secretary of State
263. In striking contrast to meeting with Foreign Minister reported Embtel 260, May 7,1 was my conversation with Prime Minister Nuri yesterday. Speaking dispassionately, Nuri expressed views along following lines:
- 1.
- First and foremost necessity to solution Palestine and attendant problems is determination territorial boundaries.
- 2.
- If some authorities would guarantee Israel would be made to abide by November 29, 1947 and December 11, 1948 UNGA Resolutions, real hope for liquidation Palestine problem would ensue.
- 3.
- Implementation such policy would automatically create living space in such places as Western Galilee and Lydda and Ramleh areas to permit absorption as much as 350,000 refugees.
- 4.
- Such considerable reduction in number refugees would enable Arab States examine how best they could help in solving problem of remaining refugees.
- 5.
- Coincidentally, fullest possible economic development would enable Iraq (a) settle during first four or five years bulk nomadic Iraqi tribesmen who wish make homes in fixed areas and own land and (b) plan on settling Palestine refugees after needs Iraqi tribesmen are met.
- 6.
- Such economic development should create conditions which would make possible five or six years hence adoption policy envisaging considerable refugee immigration into Iraq.
- 7.
- If UN fails take necessary action in time to stop Israel’s constant flaunting [flouting] of solemn UN resolution, probably only help Iraq might extend would be to consider advisability arrange voluntary exchange on pro rata basis of Iraqi Jews for Palestine Arabs.
- 8.
- Expulsion Iraqi Jews to make room for Arab refugees not policy Iraqi Government would normally adopt as Iraq treats its Jews as Iraqi nationals entitled same rights as Iraqi Arabs. If pressed too hard, however, firebrand Iraqis might take matter into own hands and cause untold misery to thousands innocent persons.
Citing foregoing as some of reasons why he hoped UN would take effective measures to make Israel abide by earlier UN resolutions, Nuri expressed wish to help liquidate Palestine problem. His unwillingness participate Lausanne meeting springs from his sincere conviction that UN has done little to make Israel accept its decisions while at same time has done everything possible make Arabs accept fait accomplis created by Israeli violations UN resolutions. Now is time for UN rectify situation and enable Arabs work towards development stability and security in Middle East.
Comment: Nuri, who suffered fainting spell in Majlis2 two days ago and appeared far from well yesterday, spoke with true ring of sincerity. If we could satisfy him that UN will make Israel accept UN decisions, he would probably be best man in Iraq to help us move ahead in trying solve Palestine and refugee problem. If, however, we persist pressing Iraq to fall in line without exacting positive commitment from Israel in advance, we fear that his attitude because fear of internal upheaval will harden and our task will to that extent become even more difficult.
Sent Department 263, repeated London 93, Jerusalem 25, Tel Aviv 20, Bern 5 for Ethridge, pouched Arab capitals.
- Not printed; it advised that Ambassador Crocker had communicated to Foreign Minister Jamali the substance of the circular telegram of April 29 (p. 959). The Foreign Minister was said to have “countered with number unrealistic and intransigent remarks indicating Iraq adamantly opposed taking any measure help alleviate refugee problem.” (501.BB Palestine/5–49)↩
- The Iraqi Parliament.↩