501.BB Palestine/5–949: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Vincent) to the Secretary of State


699. Palun 142. For the Secretary from Ethridge. Have reservation on TWA flight leaving Geneva May 24 and feel that I must make it. Hope very much that deputy will be quickly designated.

Situation here, leaving aside reaction to US sponsorship of resolution of admission, on which we have no detail yet, is roughly this:

Jerusalem: Reported in separate telegram (see Palun 143)1 from Barco.2 General situation is that Jerusalem Committee about in agreement and we will have no difficulty in getting agreement in committee or Commission on basis of secretariat paper with some amendments. Tactically, however, it would be mistake to advance plan now because it would only confuse other issues. My idea is that plan should be put through Commission after other matters settled and I have discouraged Barco from pushing for agreement now. Feel sure that can be attained when time is ripe.

Negotiations: Although Arab States say they want to negotiate en bloc through Commission Sassoon has already made contact with Transjordan and Egyptian delegations. Both Israelis and Arabs have to think about meetings. Eytan thinks he is making some progress with them. Arabs have assured me that nothing substantive discussed and that they are determined to negotiate en bloc. I have responded that they have a right to do that if they desire but that would presuppose agreement among themselves on such questions as the disposition of Arab Palestine, the Gaza strip, territorial compensation from Israel for territory held beyond partition plan, disposition of refugees who would not be taken back or did not want to go back, and other problems. Obviously they have not agreed among themselves and wanted time to think over what I said. They have asked for a meeting with the Commission on Tuesday and in meantime have appointed Boulas of Arab Palestine Refugee Committee as liaison man among themselves.

Arabs have been urging Commission to present plan to them. They want to be in position to say that peace was imposed by UN. In fact two of them have told me that if I will draft a peace plan they will consider it as “instruction”. I have of course refused to do so both on behalf of the US and UN. I have told them that since we have pressed Israeli delegation in two public and several private meetings to reveal its position on all matters we must also press Arabs to reveal their position. The Commission would then undertake to ascertain any common ground and would have a basis for negotiation. If the viewpoints were irreconcilable and the two parties asked for it the Commission would present a working paper and agenda as basis for discussion.

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Arabs are holding meetings over week-end to undertake to get together. All of them are most anxious for peace, particularly Egypt and Transjordan.

On the basis, no doubt, of Zaim’s statement to Keeley, Syria has modified her position. Zeineddine3 until yesterday held stubbornly to position Syria would not consider anything but refugees first. He is now willing to discuss refugees and territorial settlement jointly and expressed in private conversation with me Syria’s willingness to take up to 250,000 refugees providing Syria was compensated territorially. He says he has no instruction from Zaim to demand it but he regards Syria’s price as panhandle of Palestine, part of eastern Galilee and western Galilee to Acre. He disclosed that Syria is holding up armistice negotiations not because of minor rectification of border but in an effort to get in one agreement, whether in armistice or at Lausanne, cession of much greater territory.

Eytan has told me that Egypt had rather hand over Gaza strip with its 80,000 population and 245,000 refugees to Israel than to Transjordan. That confirmed by Transjordan representative who feels, however, that Egypt will hold on to Gaza strip and give it to nobody. Egypt is interested primarily in shortening her line with Israel which would be accomplished by return of southern Negeb to Arab control.

It is obvious that while Arab delegation are willing to tell me and perhaps other members of Commission what they want they have not yet brought themselves to where they will tell each other, except I am sure they have agreed that what is left of presently held Arab Palestine will go to Transjordan.

Arabs have frankly admitted that they are waiting outcome at Lake Success before getting into real negotiations. Egyptians said to me, “we have weapon and we are using it.” Commission feeling is that if Israel wins at Lake Success she will become hopelessly intransigeant and if she loses Israel will endeavor maintain her present position as best she can while looking forward to September session. Commission feels that if Arabs win they will feel more confidence but not intransigeance and will be more secure with public opinion at home to the point that they can go ahead with negotiations. In any case Lake Success has certainly delayed work of Commission and may further delay it after issue is settled.

When the USDel here has received detail of US sponsorship of resolution of admission will send reaction and comments. In meantime members are staying in their hotel rooms. [Ethridge.]

  1. Identified also as telegram 698, May 9, noon, from Bern, not printed.
  2. James W. Barco, Adviser to the United States Delegation at Lausanne.
  3. Farid Zeineddine, member of the Syrian Delegation at Lausanne and Acting Secretary-General of the Syrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs.