501.BB Palestine/4–2849: Telegram

Mr. Mark F. Ethridge to the Secretary of State


PCC 1. Palun 136. From Ethridge. Scheduled commencement PCC meeting with Israel and Arab states at Lausanne April 26 held up 24 hours on account delayed arrival interested delegations. On April 27 PCC met separately with Israeli Delegation consisting of Gershon Hirsch and Eliahu Sassoon, with Egyptian Delegation consisting of Abdel Chafey el Labab and Mahmud Rhmazi and with Lebanese Delegation consisting of Fuad Bey Amoun and Mohamed Ali Hamade. PCC meeting with Syrian Delegation consisting of Adnan Atassi planned April 28. PCC informed Transjordan Delegation will arrive this week. Saudi Arabia will not attend, but will accept such arrangements as other Arab states make with Israel. Iraq refused at Beirut to attend and has not yet sent expected informal observer. Yemen understood maintain same position as Saudi Arabia.

Substance of remarks by Israeli Delegation indicated Israel had not altered its position re refugees and Jerusalem as stated by Ben Gurion, Sharett and Comay. Hirsch made no allusion whatsoever to conciliatory statement re refugees nor manifested any disposition to work with PCC on possible plans for internationalization of Jerusalem. On contrary Hirsch stressed conclusion of peace with Arab states was primary objective. Refugee question and Jerusalem could not be discussed in advance, but could be considered during peace talks. Hirsch and Sassoon strongly urged PCC recommend to GA that it not debate refugees and Jerusalem at Lake Success while they were being considered at Lausanne. Hirsch believed if full debate took place at Lake Success public declarations on refugees and Jerusalem would undoubtedly be required which would have important effect on quiet negotiations at Lausanne. Hirsch stated that there was no disposition on part of Israeli Delegation now to discuss current questions at Lausanne if debate took place at Lake Success. It was made clear, nevertheless, that little progress could be expected at Lausanne in interim.

Hirsch also indicated Israeli Delegation would be unable to exchange views with Syrian Delegation before present Israeli-Syrian armistice negotiations were concluded. Peace talks with Arab States should be limited in each case to subjects of common concern. Egypt, for example, had no more right to discuss Jerusalem than Persia or Turkey. Israel hoped, therefore, that pertinent agenda would be arranged between Israel and various Arab States. PCC, on other hand, might have its own agendas with Israel and Arab States respectively.

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Egyptian and Lebanese Delegations both stated their presence at Lausanne indicated cooperation with PCC and desire for peace. Both considered, however, that solution for refugee problem and Jerusalem were essential before peace talks could progress. Discussion re territorial questions was premature at this stage. Amoun indicated, however, that Lebanese Delegation was ready to discuss Jerusalem and Holy Places with Jerusalem Committee immediately.

Following meetings with Israeli, Egyptian and Lebanese Delegations, PCC considered Israeli request that PCC recommend to GA that it not debate such questions as refugees and Jerusalem while PCC was discussing at Lausanne. PCC decided it would be presumptuous on its part to make such recommendation and felt that if it were subsequently necessary to submit special or periodic report to GA such reports should be confined to statement of Israeli and Arab cooperation with PCC and degree of acceptance of provisions of GA resolution December 11.
