
President Truman to King Abdullah Ibn el-Hussein of Transjordan1


I have received Your Majesty’s message of April 13, 1949, concerning the restoration of Arab refugee property in Israeli-occupied areas.

In accordance with its instructions, the Palestine Conciliation Commission, on which the United States Government is represented, is actively discussing with the Israeli Government the question of implementation of the General Assembly resolution of December 11, 1948 with respect to the return of refugees to their homes and compensation for the property of those who do not return. In addition, the United States Government has emphasized to the Israeli Government its hope [Page 933] that no action will be taken prior to the negotiations called for under that resolution which would prejudice the attainment of an agreed settlement on the question of the return of refugees to their homes and the restoration of property to refugee owners. The United States Government will continue its efforts to this end.

Your Majesty is assured that the question of the Arab refugees, which is under active consideration by this Government, is a matter of deep personal concern to me.

I appreciate Your Majesty’s good wishes, which I heartily reciprocate.

Harry S. Truman
  1. Transmitted to Amman in telegram 52, April 21, 7 p. m., with the instruction: “Pls transmit fol reply from Pres to King Abdullah (urtel 162 April 13):” Regarding No. 162, see editorial note, p. 916.

    Telegram 52 was repeated to Jerusalem for Mr. Ethridge and to Tel Aviv.