867N.01/4–2049: Telegram
The Consul at Jerusalem (Burdett) to the Secretary of State
316. Primary US objective in Palestine understood by Consulate General to be restoration peace and tranquility. Policy based on premise long-term stability, economic and political development Middle East and its affiliation with western democracies of vital interest to US. US position on refugees and boundary settlement dictated by above considerations. Support for internationalization Jerusalem apparently motivated largely by general policy supporting UN resolution and wishes Christian particularly Catholic groups rather than on consideration vital strategic interests US. Attitude Israel regarding final settlement as reported Palun 1261 again pointedly underlines necessity facing question what measures US will take to implement policies adopted in national interest.
Conclusion armistice agreements apparently marked important step towards achievement US objectives. However, cognizance must be taken of fact agreements acquiesced in by Arab states under varying degrees of force or threat of force on part of Israel. Arabs realized were defeated militarily, felt could count on no action by UN or great powers to curb further aggression by Israel and thus must sign armistice on any terms. Use of blackmail particularly flagrant in case of Transjordan negotiations which UN official characterized as marked by “utter perfidy on one side and utter stupidity on other”. Inevitable [Page 929] result has been storing up turbulent reservoir resentment against Israel, UN and. US which will constantly seek favorable opportunity burst forth. In addition has created strong reaction against Arab ruling groups and repeated calls to “new generation” to free country from despotism present rumors [rulers?] as first step towards resumption military action against Zionism. With discrediting old leaders, blow to Arab nationalism and frustration resulting from failure anti-Zionist campaign, younger men seeking new set values which Communists only too willing provide.
Hasty conclusion peace treaties ignoring rights of one party will only breed instability and preparations for renewal of fighting contrary to interests of UN, US, Israel and Arabs. Department may, therefore, wish instruct American Legation (Amman telegram 166, April 16 to Department) to informally advise King US prepared, if warranted by facts, to make strongest representations to Israel against use of force or threats of force both during and after peace negotiations including talks in Special Committee. This would give Transjordan badly needed confidence and permit it to negotiate without duress and on equal basis with Israel and would be in accord with traditional US policy of favoring agreements openly and freely arrived at. Would prevent King from feeling must give in to such damaging demands as those in Article 6 of Armistice agreement. President’s message to King could be interpreted to King in above manner and similar assurances might be given other Arab states. In adopting this position US should be prepared take requisite measures against Israel if necessary. Regarding Jerusalem now appears not likely PCC will be able obtain real UN control over Jerusalem and that international regime will take forms mentioned in Palun 127.2 Such regime could be superimposed regardless nature agreement reached between Transjordan and Israel in direct negotiations. However, because special UN interest and obligation maintain peace and security in Holy City essential that Transjordan not accept settlement imposed by duress and that rights and interests Palestine Arabs be protected. King Abdullah has not always shown much zeal in protecting interests Palestine Arabs and their confidence in him has been considerably shaken by terms armistice agreement. If UN insists (perhaps through Jerusalem Committee of PCC) on participating in any Jerusalem settlement as third party involved could assist in reaching equitable agreement that would contribute to permanent tranquility. Such settlement should include return to Arabs of traditional Arab areas seized by Jews with demarcation line running approximately as outlined in Consulate’s telegram 35, January 13. Also compensation for property remaining in Jewish [Page 930] Sections, resumption of public utility services in entire city using existing facilities, free access to Mount Scopus and free use Nablus–Bethlehem road.
As means controlling Israel suggest postponement until September session Israel application for UN membership. Israeli actions including two offensive in Negev, attack in Galilee, seizure southern Negev, incursion into Syria and liberal use of big stick in armistice talks hardly support her claim to being “peace-loving state”. Nor does her refusal to abide by sections GA Resolution December 11 regarding refugees and Jerusalem indicate much respect for organization she now seeking join. Postponement would enable US to continue tactics of acting through UN on Palestine question and would demonstrate to Israel that she cannot continue to ignore with impunity opinion world community.3
Sent Department; repeated Amman 22.
- See telegram 291, April 13, from Jerusalem, p. 911.↩
- Identified also as telegram 800, April 16, from Jerusalem, p. 920.↩
- The Department replied, on April 26, that it “appreciates reasoning ur 316 Apr 20 but after careful consideration all factors involved believes it not desirable take step suggested third para re instructions Leg Amman.” (Telegram 222, 867N.01/4–2049)↩