867N.01/4–1649: Telegram

The Chargé in Transjordan (Stabler) to the Secretary of State


168. King said this morning that on April 15 he had received Eytan, Sassoon and Dayan at Shuneh to discuss various matters relative to armistice agreement and special committee talks. HM indicated that Israeli attitudes much more friendly and reasonable than during previous meetings re triangle. Israelis had agreed in areas affected under Article 6 armistice terms would remain unmolested and that villagers would be given free passage back and forth to Arab lines. HM said he had told Israelis that Transjordan would be prepared accept peace agreement at Lausanne conference regardless attitude other Arab states. However, he also indicated to them that he doubted any accord could be reached at such conference and that only direct talks could result in agreement. He pointed out to them that such agreement would have to be sanctioned and guaranteed by PCC or by one or more great powers.

King informed that he would instruct government commence special committee talks immediately. (It is understood first meeting will be held at Shuneh on April 21 in presence Transjordan Prime Minister who still being in Cairo as yet uninformed. Prime Minister expected return April 18 and it is believed he may wish postpone such talks.)1

[Here follows final paragraph speculating on the composition of the Trans Jordanian delegation to the Lausanne Conference.]

Sent Department 168, repeated Jerusalem 90, London 28.

  1. Further details of the meeting of April 15 were furnished by London on April 20, based on information reported to the Foreign Office by Minister Kirk-bride. King Abdullah was said to have asked for a port on the Mediterranean, either in the vicinity of Gaza, with access via Beersheba, or at Acre; compensation for Arab refugees; and the unfreezing of Arab assets in Israel. The Israelis appeared taken aback by the first of these points, stating “such port would divide Israel. They offered full transit facilities to Transjordan to and through Haifa. King countered by offering Israel transit facilities to Aqaba if Transjordan took over Beersheba.” (Telegram 1524, 867N.01/4–2049)