501.BB Palestine/3–1549: Airgram

The Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Jerusalem 1


A–31. Unpal A–1. [For Ethridge.] Following is text of letter Mch 15 from Sec. Defense together with its accompanying memo responding affirmatively to Dept’s request that NME continue to provide aid such as military observers, transportation and other facilities, to PCC similar to that already extended to UN Mediator for Palestine:

“My dear Mr. Secretary: With reference to your letter of March 8, 1949, “UNA”, in which you request the continuance of the support of [Page 865] the National Military Establishment in supplying personnel and other aid to the United Nations in its efforts to reestablish peace in Palestine, I wish to inform you that I have instructed the Secretary of the Navy to comply with your request, bearing in mind certain important principles regarding our participation. A copy of my memorandum to him is enclosed for your information.

It would be appreciated if you would keep me informed of the progress being made by the United Nations, estimating whenever it becomes possible to do so the duration and scope of the continued participation of the Military Establishment in support of the UN in this area. Sincerely yours, James Forrestal.”

Memorandum for the Secretary of the Navy

March 15, 1949.

Subj: Assistance to the United Nations in the Near East.

Attached is a letter from the Department of State dated 8 March 1949, signed by the Under Secretary of State, which contains a request for the continued assistance of the National Military Establishment in supporting the United Nations Mediator and the Palestine Conciliation Commission of the United Nations in their efforts to maintain peace in the Near East.

Inasmuch as the Chief of Naval Operations was designated Executive Agent of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for supporting the United Nations Mediator in Palestine, and in the light of the attached request from the Department of State and the urgent need for security in this vital area, I desire that the Department of the Navy, with the necessary collaboration of the Departments of Army and Air Force, continue to support the efforts of the United Nations to maintain peace in the Near East. I therefore request that the Department of the Navy deal directly with the Department of State in making the necessary arrangements for this support.

In providing this support, I consider it essential that certain principles be kept constantly in mind. This support by the National Military Establishment of the foreign operations of the United States and the United Nations should be limited to activities in observing and supervising the armistice in this area and should not be permitted to extend to the use of military personnel for other purposes such as guard, protective or enforcement duties or personal services. This type of support of the UN should be shared as appropriate with other members of the United Nations and should be provided on an equitable basis from among the three Services in accordance with arrangements to be worked out by you with the Departments of Army and Air Force. We should, insofar as circumstances permit, reduce the extent of our participation in this Mission as soon as and as much as practicable without jeopardizing the objective of the Mission. Finally, the Department of State should request the United Nations to provide appropriate subsistence, logistic support and reimbursement for the extraordinary expenses of our participation in this mission. James Forrestal.


  • The Secretary of the Army
  • The Secretary of the Air Force
  • The Joint Chiefs of Staff”

  1. This airgram was repeated to New York.