
Memorandum by the Secretary of State


Conversation With the President

Subject: Conversation with Israeli Foreign Minister

I reported to the President my talk with Foreign Minister Sharett1 which fell into two principal topics:

First, I had again impressed the Foreign Minister to make some statement which would be helpful to the Beirut Conference and would at least give some indication of the willingness of the Israeli Government, assuming conditions of peace and stability to repatriate a portion of the refugees. The Foreign Minister, however, felt that he could not make any statement on this subject except as a part of a general peace settlement.

Second, I had urged upon the Foreign Minister the desirability of a prompt conclusion of the armistice with Trans-Jordan, including arrangements for committing the Trans-Jordan troops to relieve the Iraqi troops. I had reported to the Foreign Minister the President’s concern about this matter since he thought it was important for the development of both the armistice and permanent peace that as many troops as possible be withdrawn. I explained that the Foreign Minister had shown a tendency to want to use this matter of a substitution of troops to gain both territorial readjustments on the Samarian front and to try to force Iraq into discussions with Israel. I mentioned briefly the cables on this subject received this morning and our concern that the Israeli forces might attempt to bring about some adjustment of the frontier by military action.

The President was disturbed over the uncooperative attitude being taken and said that we must continue to maintain firm pressure.

  1. See memorandum of conversation that took place on March 22, p. 853.