501.BB Palestine/3–1649: Telegram

The Consul at Jerusalem (Burdett) to the Secretary of State


230. Palun 86. [From Ethridge.] Comay1 met with Jerusalem Committee as official representative Israel, accompanied by Lifshitz and Goulan. He proposed plan consisting internationalization Old City, division remainder area between adjacent states, and international authority over holy places in area.

Introductory statement largely devoted historical summary similar previous statements by Israel representatives on subject, but containing unusually strong condemnation UN for failure implement internationalization city or assuming responsibility for its protection. World opinion described as apathetic when Jerusalem under attack and siege. Jewish Jerusalem today in fact part of Israel and Jewish inhabitants citizens psychologically and in fact. Inconceivable they should be placed under international regime or that Israel could have part in such solution. Present day situation entirely different from 1947 when Jewish Agency reluctantly accepted internationalization.

[Page 843]

In presenting plan he emphasized that world interest Jerusalem largely religious and historical. This interest concentrated in Old City which only half one per cent area and 15 per cent population area. Rest of area predominantly sectarian and world interest would be fully met by international authority over holy places. He judged from past evidence UN does not want responsibility for governing entire area, and this not necessary.

Israel not willing renounce Old City to permanent Transjordan rule. This would be perpetuation unstable and explosive situation. He expressed desire that two parties in control of city proceed to permanent demarcation Arab-Jewish areas. Committee agreed to facilitate this with assistance consuls who participated in previous talks this subject. US and French Consul envisioned.

Comay said he could not commit his Government at this stage, but Committee members are uncertain whether any flexibility in position. Appears certain Israel will not agree to Jerusalem as legal entity separate from Israel. Possible it might relinquish demand re Old City, resulting international regime limited to holy places. Committee members and USDel considers internationalization Old City only basically unfair and unacceptable. Committee has previously adopted general attitude that incorporation city into adjacent states not compatible international regime. In introductory statement, chairman of committee explained its general view that regime compatible with GA resolution might consist international authority with jurisdiction holy places and matters common concern, local Arab and Jewish administrations for remaining government functions.

Committee will probably not meet with Comay before presenting progress report to PCC and talking with Arab representatives in Beirut. [Ethridge.]

  1. Michael Comay, Director of the British Commonwealth Division in the Israeli Foreign Office.