501.BB Palestine/2–2149: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Egypt 1
us urgent
194. Pls call immediately upon FonMin and make representation following sense:
USG informed that Israeli Govt has accepted without reservations final Bunche draft complete text armistice agreement and appendices. USG further informed that Egyptian delegation Rhodes has made reservations to status proposed by Bunche for Beersheba.
USG understands that provision in Bunche draft agreement looks toward safeguarding of any political rights or claims. Status Beersheba will be determined at time of final peace settlement and USG believes question should not be permitted obstruct signing of armistice agreement.
[Page 761]As PrimMin aware, USG worked to persuade Israeli authorities modify their former adamant position, which was holding up negotiations. Tel Aviv subsequently made several accommodations in order meet Bunche proposals such as status El Auja and Bir Asluj. USG would deplore any action likely create further obstacles at time when armistice agreement seems near, after so much hard work by both sides. In spirit of friendship for Egypt and in its desire see peace return to NE, USG urges Egyptian Govt accept Bunche draft without insistence reservations.
Above representation of course not to be made if prior receipt this tel Egyptians have accepted Bunche draft.
- This telegram was repeated to Tel Aviv, London, and New York.↩