501.BB Palestine/2–2049: Telegram
The Chargé in Iraq (Dorsz) to the Secretary of State
71. After delivering note verbale (Embtel 70, February 201) which he said Prime Minister asked him hand to me, Foreign Minister made comments along following lines: (1) UNPCC wanted Iraq Government [Page 758] express its views re conditions for Israel prepared go towards reaching settlement or what steps would be taken to make Israel abide by settlement; (2) before expressing its views, Iraq Government feels that some practical action designed enforce compliance by Israel of such settlement as may be reached must be worked out; (3) UN resolutions have time and again been violated by Israel. Instead taking measures to enforce resolutions, big powers and particularly US have looked aside and helped Jews through such acts as extension de jure recognition, sponsoring Israel admission to UN, granting of huge loan, etc; (4) in these circumstances, Arabs have lost confidence in US contention it sincerely desires create conditions in Middle East favorable to restoration of stability and security this area; (5) US could improve situation immeasurably by proving its “good faith towards Arabs” by putting pressure on Israel to accept principles re (a) right refugees return to Palestine and (b) Jerusalem remain Arab city; (6) unless US Government makes Israel accept these principles, Arab world will continue drifting towards chaos from which only Communists can profit; (7) Iraq Government therefore hopes US will give assurances desired as this would help Arab Governments in their efforts to overcome deep and intense feeling against US now prevailing Arab world and enable Arab Governments working constructively; (8) other Arab Governments are expected make similar representations to US and British Governments; and (9) identical note verbale would be delivered British Embassy.
I mentioned that UN resolution December 11 which created UNPCC contained principle that refugees who desire should have right return to their homes in Palestine. Foreign Minister said this was not good enough; Jews had previously violated other resolutions and had exhibited no intention accepting this principle in December 11 resolution. Iraq therefore wants US show good faith by giving desired assurances; otherwise Iraq must assume US trying avoid direct responsibility of seeing that Jews abide by resolutions.
Foreign Minister made it plain that any reference by US for Arabs to look to UN for enforcement of resolution would not be constructive suggestion but merely another indication of US unwillingness to assume necessary responsibility of trying rectify to some extent great injustice Arabs claim US has been chiefly instrumental in imposing upon them.2
Sent Department 71, repeated Amman for USDel PCC 3, Beirut 23, Damascus 13, London 28, Jerusalem 3, Tel Aviv 3, Cairo 21, Jidda 4.
- Not printed; it stated that Foreign Minister
Hafidh had handed the note to Chargé Dorsz on the morning of
February 20 (501.BB Palestine/2–2049). The two main points of
the note are embodied in comments numbered 5(a) and (b) in telegram 71.
On February 23, Foreign Minister Hafidh handed a similar note verbale to the British Ambassador and expressed the hope that the United Kingdom, in concert with the United States, would do everything possible to force Israel to accept the return of the refugees. He noted that the Arab States had met at Cairo on February 5 and had agreed to ask for such British assurances. The point concerning Jerusalem as an Arab city was an Iraqi idea not cleared with the other Arab States. Little effort was made to “sell” this point, (telegram 72, February 24, 11 a. m., from Baghdad, 501.BB Palestine/2–2449)
↩ - Marginal notation in the handwriting of Mr. McClintock: “what responsibility?”.↩