501.BB Palestine/2–1249: Telegram

The Consul at Jerusalem (Burdett) to the Secretary of State


139. Palun 41. [From Ethridge.] At request PCC US and French Consulate [Consul] Generals met Abdullah Tel on fifth for conversation similar that held with Dayan (Contel 116 fifth) on fourth. Tel stated willing negotiate and sign immediate agreement in Jerusalem prior to conclusion general agreement through all Palestine and would welcome appointment on PCC group advisers assist two parties. Asserted Arabs have no objections inclusion clause stating agreement without prejudice to future statute of city and would accept inter nationalization provided could be effective.

Expressed following views re such agreement: (1) Arab sections now held by Jews should be returned to Arab owners; (2) Arabs always willing give any guarantees desired for safety holy places and when peace restored guarantee free access; (3) willing discuss de militarization by gradual separation two forces but believes Tel Aviv–Jerusalem corridors should be internationalized at same time since its control gives Jews great military advantage.

Stated had carried on informal exploratory talks with Dayan since conclusion cease-fire in order determine what concessions Jews willing make. [Ethridge.]
