501.BB Palestine/2–949: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Jerusalem
80. Unpal 21. For Ethridge. Re Palun 24 Feb. 4.1 President wrote Weizmann Nov. 29, 1948, re Negev. President said “I remember well our conversation about the Negev, to which you referred in your letter. I agree fully with your estimate of the importance of that area to Israel, and I deplore any attempt to take it away from Israel.” Letter then cited announcement by USDel in GA of “our firm intention to oppose any territorial changes in the November 29th Resolution which are not acceptable to the State of Israel”.
No mention was made of Jerusalem. In consequence report that President informed Weizmann that US had no objection to Israeli annexation new city is completely without foundation.
[Page 742]We do not feel that President’s comments to Weizmann re Negev are inconsistent with his instructions to you or with overall basic position so clearly set forth by Jessup in his speech to Committee One Nov. 20. President’s position still is that Israel is entitled to territory allotted by GA res. Nov. 29, 1947 and that no changes in frontiers set down by that res. can be made without free consent of Israel. However if Israel desires territory not allocated to it by Nov. 29 res. such as Arab areas in western Galilee and Jaffa or such as present corridor to Jerusalem, Israel must be expected to make territorial compensation elsewhere.
President’s letter to Weizmann was marked personal and confidential.2
This telegram has been approved by the President.3
- Identified also as telegram 108 from Jerusalem,
not printed; it stated that a report was current at Jerusalem
that President Truman had written to President Weizmann that “US
had no objection Israeli annexation New City of Jerusalem or
retention of all Negev.” (501.BB Palestine/2–449) A marginal
notation on No. 108 by Mr. McClintock indicates that it was read
to Mr. Clifford at 9:50 a. m., February 5.
For the full text of President Truman’s communication of November 29, 1948, to President Weizmann, see Foreign Relations, 1948, vol. v, Part 2, p. 1633.
↩ - A marginal notation by Mr. McClintock on an information copy of this telegram states that this sentence was added by President Truman.↩
- Telegram 80 was initialed by President Truman. The substance of the telegram was furnished to Ambassador Douglas by Mr. Rusk in a letter of February 11. The letter cited a message from G. Lewis Jones, First Secretary of Embassy in the United Kingdom, to Mr. Satterthwaite, not identified as to date, in which it was set forth that “Dick Crossman, M.P., who recently visited Dr. Weizmann in Tel Aviv, has been spreading the rumor in London that while he was with Dr. Weizmann the latter received a personal letter from President Truman to the effect that no matter what the United States Government might say officially, Weizmann ‘should not give up one inch of the Negev.’” Mr. Jones’ letter also mentioned that Mr. Bevin was upset by the story. Mr. Rusk suggested that Mr. Bevin be apprised of the true facts. Ambassador Douglas replied on February 28 that Mr. Jones “has passed on in strict confidence the facts in your letter to Michael Wright and Bernard Burrows for their information and such discreet use as seems desirable.” Mr. Rusk’s letter and Ambassador Douglas’ reply are filed under 501.BB Palestine/2–1149, /2–2849. The editors have been unable to find Mr. Jones’ letter in the files of the Department of State.↩