501.BB Palestine/2–549: Telegram
The Consul in Jerusalem (Burdett) to the Secretary of State
116. Palun 29. [From Ethridge.] US and French Consul Generals met with Colonel Dayan February 4 at request PCC (Congentel 107, February 3)1 to express interest Commission in successful conclusion Israel–Transjordan agreement consistent with December 11 GA Resolution re Arab-Jewish zones Jersualem, demilitarization city, protection holy places. Dayan though this [his?] government would object his dealing with Commission directly but expressed no objection proposal Commission appoint informal group experts to attempt reconciliation divergent viewpoints without considering future status Jerusalem.
However he doubted anything could be accomplished because alleged Transjordan unwillingness reach separate agreement Jerusalem this time due its hope to use Jerusalem as bargaining point in overall settlement. Pointed to recent rejections at last moment of accords provisionally accepted both sides for complete or limited agreement Jerusalem and said general agreement exists as to where demarcation line should run (Congentels 35, January 13, 36 January 14,2 47 January 173). He considers Transjordan interested only in prestige, port of Gaza and Negev. Transjordan considers Israel financial condition deteriorating and that delay will force concessions. Dayan asserts to contrary and that by delay Arabs as in past will obtain less.
Dayan said PGI must take public position Jerusalem must be integral part Israel.
If following talk Abdullah Tel PCC considers Arabs sincerely anxious to sign agreement Dayan willing continue discussions. PGI not prepared present detailed plan and thinks PCC should do so.
PCC not considering Dayan reaction pending report discussion Abdullah Tel. [Ethridge.]