501.BB Palestine/1–2949: Telegram

The Consul at Jerusalem (Burdett) to the Secretary of State


78. Palun 15. It is suggested Department discuss with Ethridge Deptel 35, nineteenth and previous Contels regarding possibility early settlement Jerusalem. In order capitalize on present opportunity achieving agreement, believe question should be raised by Commission with PGI and Transjordan immediately upon arrival Ethridge who will probably become chairman February 1. Commission could then proceed planned tour capital, leaving committee here to continue by negotiations pending return. Dayan’s proposals not yet discussed with Commission members. We plan informally discuss this subject with French representative shortly.

Believe agreement should follow lines Dayan suggestions, avoiding references sovereignty, and prefacing agreement with stipulation it is without prejudice international status city as provided GA resolution. Agreement would have object achieving peace and demilitarization city and would be signed directly between parties. It is recognized immediate agreement establishing demarcation line between Arab and Jewish areas and postponing question internationalization may result in intervening period being utilized to make ultimate agreement on internationalization more difficult. However, absence of any agreement now would have same result, present opportunity for peaceful settlement in city would be forfeited and permanent retention by Jews of Arab areas now held would become most likely. USDel and Consulate General, therefore, believe every effort should be exerted reach agreement now delineating Arab-Jewish area and demilitarizing city.

Department will undoubtedly realize Commission discussions regarding internationalization will probably precipitate adverse public reaction in Israel press which may stimulate dissident elements with complications security problem. For example, yesterday morning’s press alleged Israeli Cabinet decided to claim full sovereign rights except in Old City where internationalization might be accepted. Nevertheless USDel and Consulate General feel risk must be taken.

French representative is of opinion that PGI should not carry out intentions reported in press to hold constituent assembly Jerusalem nor set up proposed central administrative offices in Jerusalem. He may raise question in Commission, or may make informal representations to PGI or may report to his government for action.1

  1. The Department informed Jerusalem on January 30 that Mr. Ethridge had departed for Jerusalem before telegram 78 could be discussed with him. It noted also that Mr. Ethridge was acquainted with the general lines of the proposal (telegram 54, 501.BB Palestine/1–3049).