501.BB Palestine/1–2449: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Special Representative of the United States in Israel (McDonald), at Tel Aviv

top secret

us urgent


42. We have today expressed to Epstein our apprehension at reports indicating Israeli Representatives have announced postponement with drawal Egyptian force from Al Faluja, which had been scheduled begin tomorrow morning, until after conclusion armistice agreement [Page 695] between Egypt and Israel. According to our info Israeli Delegation previously had agreed to unconditional release of this force. This voluntary agreement entered into by Representatives of Israel and Egypt was not made contingent upon conclusion armistice.

Epstein said he had just received instructions from Tel Aviv to call at Dept and say his Govt “in general” intended keep its forces on military lines as they now exist during period armistice in which military considerations were paramount. This armistice attitude however would not affect eventual political settlement. Epstein referred to divergent desires Egypt and Transjordan re disposition Arab coastal strip in Negev. He said Egyptians had been vanquished in war but wished return to Cairo in guise of victors, which was not easy achieve.

Epstein said however he would convey Dept’s view to his Govt that PGI might find it wise be generous, realizing as it did necessity providing Egyptian Govt with some means saving face. We thought prompt implementation agreement to release Faluja garrison might afford such a means. At same time we stressed our hope neither Govt would take a position which would cause armistice negotiations break down, as this Govt, a friend of both Israel and Egypt as well as member Conciliation Commission, very much desires see these negotiations brought to a prompt and successful conclusion. We added that representations in similar vein had been given to Egyptian Ambassador this morning, ref Cairo’s 93, Jan. 24.1

Please express similar views to Prime Minister and FonMin in your discretion. Repeated to Cairo for appropriate action as 90. Repeated for info to London as 261, Jerusalem 41 as Unpal 9.

  1. Not printed; it advised of information from Prime Minister Hady that the “Rhodes conversations had been virtually suspended due to refusal of Zionists to permit evacuation of positions by Faluja garrison.” It also stated that the “Prime Minister who expressed gratitude for US Good Offices in bringing about Rhodes conversations voiced confident conviction that a word from US or further interposition its Good Offices was again required in aid of UN in interests of implementation of SC’s resolutions which Egyptians had long ago agreed carry out.” (501.BB Palestine/1–2449)