501.BB Palestine/1–1749

Draft Message by President Truman to President Chaim Weizmann of Israel, at Tel Aviv1

My Dear Dr. Weizmann: Your message of January 3 is in my hands. I deeply appreciate your courtesy in personally conveying to me the assurances which have been given to the United States Government by the Provisional Government of Israel concerning the circumstances surrounding the crossing of the Egyptian frontier by Israeli forces. I was gratified to learn that on January 11 [10] Mr. Eliahu Epstein officially notified the United States Government that all Israeli forces had been withdrawn from Egypt.2

I am happy to assure you personally, as the United States Government has assured the Provisional Government of Israel, that the representation which I directed Mr. McDonald to make in connection with this incident was made in the most friendly interest. I so instructed Mr. McDonald because I was convinced that a situation had arisen which threatened to extend the scope of the conflict. As you [Page 671] know, the United States Government also made strong representations in Cairo.

I am encouraged by recent developments looking toward armistice negotiations between Israel and Egypt. It is my earnest hope that these negotiations can be expanded from the military to the political field and that they can be broadened to include all the parties to the dispute.

It is essential that both Israel and the Arab states leave no stone unturned in their efforts to reach a final settlement. Neither party must permit side issues to distract it from the difficult task of attaining this goal, which will bring to Palestine the lasting peace so essential to the stabilization of the Near East and to the larger objective of international security.

With kind regards,

Sincerely yours,

  1. Transmitted to the White House by Mr. Lovett with his memorandum of January 17. Presumably it was sent to the Israeli President as drafted.
  2. See Mr. Rockwell’s memorandum of conversation, January 10, p. 633.