867N.01/1–1249: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in France


134. Benard of French Emb informed Dept Jan 12 that Syrian FonOff had expressed to Fr Minister Damascus its fears impending attempt by Abdullah carry out Greater Syria scheme.1 Benard said matter discussed with Maurice Fischer PGI spokesman Paris who stated PGI opposed formation Greater Syria and would be willing withdraw Israeli forces from Syrian front if Syrian forces menaced by Abdullah. Benard stated Fr Govt strongly opposed formation Greater Syria, was disturbed over Syrian fears this regard, and ex pressed hope US did not favor Abdullah’s project. (Embtel 146 Jan 12)2

Dept assured Benard US did not favor Greater Syria plan of Abdullah involving other Arab States but was not opposed to incorporation greater part Arab Palestine in Transjordan.

Dept has no info indicating any substance for Syrian concern impending move by Abdullah and it seems hardly likely latter would make move at this time which would cause further dissension among Arab States when they already hard pressed by Israelis. Dept would appreciate any info from field clarifying current situation.3

  1. For earlier documentation on this subject, see Foreign Relations, 1947, vol. v, pp. 738 ff.
  2. Not printed.
  3. This telegram was repeated to Arab capitals, London, Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv. Mr. Stabler, in reply on January 16, advised that “There are no indications at present that King has, or is even thinking of, any plans to take positive action at this stage toward realization greater Syria. His principal preoccupation now is settlement with Israelis and incorporation as much Arab Palestine as can be obtained in Transjordan. Little doubt exists however that he regards successful achievement these as first and important step in creation greater Syria.” (telegram 21, 867N.01/1–1649)