890F.6363/2–2349: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Legation in Saudi Arabia 1


79. A[ir] gram going forward today2 summarizing recent conversations ARAMCO and giving you detailed instrs on manner in which advice shld be given SAG re offshore oil. Subject too lengthy for telegraphic instr.

While this action independent of overall approach previously contemplated with Brit, advice in no way conflicts with principles evolved for such approach. Dept feels that it can no longer delay advice to SAG and that certain advantages wld accrue from gradual evolution of problem rather than concerted proclamation. Although specific mention of median line not made, it is inherent to principles involved but Dept believes it is undesirable at present to give publicity by proclamation or otherwise to this principle.

RefAgram also instructs manner in which your Brit colleague shld be advised, and Dept prefers that you not discuss matter with him until agram recd.

Dept feels matter now too far advanced to follow course suggested in London’s 670 Feb 23.3

  1. Repeated to London and Tehran.
  2. No. 23, p. 111, is actually dated March 2.
  3. Not printed; it reported that the Eastern Department of the British Foreign Office had prepared draft instructions to the British Embassy at Washington “to put to Department idea that if Department plans speak SAG along lines under consideration UK would like to join US in giving same advice SAG and also to UK protected Sheikhs.” (890.0145/2–2349)