501.BB/11–1849: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Mission to the United Nations, at New York1


604. Dept suggests USUN take appropriate occasion to talk to Yugo Del, preferably Bebler, re likely Yugo attitude toward implementation GA Res on Grk case, especially Paras 11, 12, 13 on verification disarmament and disposition guerrillas and repatriation Grk nationals, and also Res on Grk children.2 Dept wld like to have Yugo views on this subj before proposing UNSCOB take initiative by communicating with Alb, Bulg, Yugo and other states on it.

You might say US realizes Yugo Govt might find it difficult cooperate with UNSCOB in view previous strong stand against it, but wld like to know whether Yugos have given any thought to compliance with GA Res and methods whereby this might be done. The point cld be made that, in light Yugo reliance on UN as instrument for maintenance peace and election to SC,3 Yugo’s standing with UN members can hardly remain unaffected by failure comply with GA resolutions. Therefore, we hope Yugo will give serious consideration to means of compliance present Res Grk case. Suggest USUN apprise Aglion4 this approach and encourage him sound out Yugos same problem.

  1. This telegram was repeated to Belgrade as 730 and to Athens as 2015, Baicom 317.
  2. Regarding the General Assembly resolutions of November 18 under reference here, see the editorial note, p. 456.
  3. Yugoslavia was elected to the membership of the United Nations Security Council on October 20. For documentation on the Yugoslav candidacy and election to the Council, which was supported by the United States, see vol. ii, pp. 310 ff.
  4. Raoul Aglion, Principal Secretary of the United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans.